Beginning in 1830, each schoolhouse was designated as a district, and given its own district number. The table below shows each school name, its district number, and the year it was closed.

The four schools higlighted in gray were the only ones still operating as of 1952. In the fall of that year, these four were finally closed, and all Exeter school students were sent to the new Wawaloam School, centrally located on Ten Rod Road.

School District No. year closed comments
Arcadia 3 1933 Students sent to Richmond schools after closing.
Bates 4 1931 Consolidated with Lewis 1925, repoened for one year (1930-31). Also known as Millville School.
Dawley 10 1921 Consolidated with Hall School.
Escoheag 2 1921 Consolidated with Woody Hill. Also known as Hornbeam School.
Exeter Hill 8 1952 First school in the town of Exeter, 1766.
Gardiner's Four Courners 9 1911 Consolidated with Exeter Hill School.
Hall 7 1952 Currently preserved as museum at its original location on Ten Rod Rd.
Lewis 5 1952 Also known as Austin Lewis or Austin.
Pine Hill 6 1943 Closed after no teacher could be secured. Pupils transferred to Hall School or Exeter Hill School.
Town Hall 6 1952 Old Town Hall building housed Tripps' Corner students after fire in 1938.
Tripps' Corner 11 1938 Burned down 1938. Students sent to Town Hall and Pine Hill School.
Woody Hill 1 1942 Closed after no teacher could be secured. Pupils transferred to Lewis School.
Yawgoo 13 1945 Only 6 pupils enrolled in 1945; students sent to North Kingstown schools.
Yorker (Yawker) 12 1921 Consolidated with Exeter Hill School.



This information was complied by Sheila Reynolds Boothroyd - April 2006.